Text: Livre de diviniations

Book of Divinations


Found in:

Created in c. 1360


Author: Nicole Oresme

Translator: None


  • Divination
  • Fortune
  • Prose

Ownership Details

KBR MS 11203-04 owned by Charles the Bold (1467-1477). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

KBR MS 11203-04 owned by John the Fearless (14??-1419). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

KBR MS 11203-04 owned by Marie of Berry, duchess of Bourbon (1392/1397-14??). Ownership Confirmed with Coat of Arms as evidence.

KBR MS 11203-04 owned by Philip the Good (1419-1467). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

Arsenal 2691 owned by Anne Malet de Graville (1521-1540). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

Arsenal 2691 owned by Claude d'Urfé (post-1540-1558). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

Arsenal 2691 owned by Jeanne de Balsac, lady of Urfé (post-1540-1542). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

